Lischana Weekend
Review of the Lischana weekend
The 2-day Lischana excursion took place last weekend. On the first day, the 12 participants and the two leaders Chasper Alexander Felix and Felix Keller went up to the Lischana hut. The participants learned more about the glacier world and the water supply of the Lischana hut and enjoyed a small music concert in the evening.
On the second, the participants prepared the glacier cover for next spring. To this end, they rolled up the fleece (covering an area of around 1ooo square meters) that had been laid out in the spring. This was no easy task, as the fleece cover was weighted down to stabilize it and the fleece consists of three layers. 2 layers of fleece at the top and bottom and a layer of wood wool in the middle, which made the blanket even more difficult. In ski resorts, these covers are rolled up and moved with the help of snow grooming machines, here everything had to be done by hand. A big thank you to all 12 volunteers who did a great job. Without them, none of this would have been possible.
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