Ice Stupa Fest und Schneeschuhtour

Ice Stupa Fest and Snowshoe hike

Ice Stupa Fest and Snowshoe hike

Werden Sie Teil eines unvergesslichen Eiserlebnisses an der Talstation Diavolezza (Pontresina). Sie finden hier alle Informationen zum Anlass. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie am 10.02.24 dabei sind.

So gross ist der Ice Stupa in Morteratsch nach drei Tagen

This is how big the Ice Stupa in Morteratsch is after three days

It didn't take long for the ice stupa, which was erected in front of the Hotel Morteratsch on New Year's Eve, to grow in size. There were only three days between the construction of the ice stupa and these pictures.

The first picture shows how the ice stupa works. The water enters the ice stupa via pipes that are connected to the river. The pressure generated creates a fountain that causes the water to drip onto the stupa from above. Thanks to the cold winter air, the water crystallizes into ice and makes the ice stupa bigger.

Grösster Ice Stupa in Europa?

Biggest Ice Stupa in Europe?

If the weather cooperates, an ice stupa "giant" is to be built this winter. The ice stupa will be 20 meters high, making it the highest ice stupa in Europe. The project can be realized thanks to the automatic control system developed by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the initiative of the GlaciersAlive association, Gletschervision GmbH, the Diavolezza cable car, Go Vertical and BerninaGlaciers. The scaffolding of the Ice Stupa has already been erected and the Ice Stupa has been put into operation.

Construction of the largest Ice Stupa in Europe

In the pictures you can see the step-by-step assembly of the Ice Stupa. 

The Ice Stupa can be visited at any time at the Diavolezza valley station. Who has already seen it or is still coming by?


Musikalische Weltreise und Ice Stupa Bau an Silvester

Musical world tour and ice stupa construction on New Year's Eve

Yesterday, the Swiss Ice Fiddlers spent New Year's Eve at the Hotel Morteratsch and accompanied the guests with music and the construction of a mini ice stupa. The guests enjoyed a musical world tour from the USA to the Isle of Man, Ireland, England, Shetland, Denmark and Switzerland. At the end, the Swiss Ice Fiddlers were delighted to receive a donation. The donation will go to Ladakh and will enable Surya (board member of the GlacierAlive association) to help the communities in Ladakh with their water supply.
