
Here you will find current information, news and upcoming events about our association and our projects.

Ice Stupa Riese an der Diavolezza Talstation

Ice Stupa giant at the Diavolezza valley station

15 Meter Ice Stupa im Engadin Im Oktober haben wir über den Bau des Ice Stupa an der Diavolezza-Talstation berichtet. Im Laufe der Monate ist der Ice Stupa dank der Wetterbedingungen um einiges an Größe und Eismasse dazugewonnen und ist nun 15 Meter hoch. Der Bau...

Wie gestalten wir eine nachhaltige Wasserzukunft?

How do we shape a sustainable water future?

The exhibition “Water” has been running at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich since 29.11.24. If you have not yet had the opportunity to visit it, you have until 06.04.25. On 16.01.25, in addition to the exhibition, there will be a talk on the topic: “How do we design a...

Rückblick auf unsere Generalversammlung 2024

Review of our 2024 Annual General Meeting

On Saturday, October 26, our General Assembly took place in Reichenau. We not only reviewed our past association activities, but also discussed exciting new projects for the coming year and our goals for 2024/25.

Ice Stupa Bau 2024

Ice Stupa construction 2024

Construction of the Ice Stupa at the Diavolezza valley stationLast week we were able to work together with a group of motivated helpers on one of our projects: the construction of an Ice Stupa. These Ice Stupas are not only an eye-catcher, but also an example of...
