Ice Stupa Riese an der Diavolezza Talstation

Ice Stupa giant at the Diavolezza valley station

15 meter Ice Stupa in the Engadin

In October, we wrote about the construction of the Ice Stupa at the Diavolezza valley station. Over the months, the Ice Stupa has grown in size and ice mass thanks to the weather conditions and is now 15 meters high.

The construction of an Ice Stupa at the Diavolezza valley station has taken place every year since 2021. In the past, we have repeatedly had to deal with freezing problems with the water pipes. The main problem was that frozen water pipes were almost impossible to unblock. Thanks to the further development of technology, the watering system has been improved. Small heaters were fitted to the water pipes to ensure that all important points were free of ice before switching on. Since then, there have been no more problems and the Ice Stupa can therefore grow even bigger.

Ice Stupa Bau 2024

Ice Stupa construction 2024

Construction of the Ice Stupa at the Diavolezza valley station

Last week we were able to work together with a group of motivated helpers on one of our projects: the construction of an Ice Stupa. These Ice Stupas are not only eye-catching, but also an example of innovative water management in regions that are dependent on glacier water.

Der Tag begann mit Schaufeln, Leitern, Holz und viel Enthusiasmus, um das Grundgerüst für den Ice Stupa zu bauen. Die Bilder, die wir während des Bauprozesses gemacht haben, zeigen jeden Schritt – von der Materialbeschaffung bis zur Installation der Leitungen und dem Grundgerüst aus Holz.
Now that the basic structure is in place and the pipes have been laid, we are excited to see how the Ice Stupa will develop over the course of the cold months and how big it will ultimately become.

If you want to see the Ice Stupa in winter, you will find it next to the Diavolezza valley station.

Many thanks to all the helpers who supported us with this project!

Ice Stupa Bau an der Diavolezza Station

Ice Stupa Bau an der Diavolezza Station

Letztes Jahr konnten wir mit vielen motivierten Menschen einen Icestupa bauen, der schließlich bis zu ca. 14 Meter hoch wurde. Es gab dafür sogar ein Icestupa-Fest, bei dem man den Icestupa betreten und den Eisturm von innen sehen konnte. Solch einen Icestupa wollen wir auch dieses Jahr wieder bauen!

Wir laden euch herzlich ein, an einem Tag (zwischen 17 und 20 Oktober) bei der Talstation Diavolezza gemeinsam an unserem Icestupa zu arbeiten. Jeder Helfer/ jede Helferin ist willkommen! 

Here findet ihr das Anmeldungsformular, um teilzunehmen.

Besonders freuen wir uns, dass die Konfirmanden von Samedan ebenfalls mit dabei sein werden!

Winterwandern, Gletschermusik & Ice Stupa Spass

Winter hiking, glacier music & ice stupa fun

Spending a day with people who are interested in the glacier world, global water supply and outdoor activities? The perfect day for us!

On Saturday, our day began with a snowshoe hike at the Diavolezza valley station, which took us to the Ice Stupa, our main attraction of the day. Not even the strong wind could stop the motivated group from having fun. On the way, the participants learned more about Ice Stupas, Ladakh and its water supply. Back in the warmth, there was glacier music from the TangoGlaciar Duo, whose music melted hearts instead of ice.

The day was far from over, as we continued with a lecture on the origins and significance of the Ice Stupas. The ice stupas are of particular importance for the Himalayan region. With the disappearance of the glaciers, large water reservoirs are being lost, which poses ever greater problems for irrigation in the barren heights of the Himalayas, especially in the Ladakh region. This is where the ice stupas come into play as innovative water reservoirs.

After looking at the Ice Stupas in pictures, it was time to see the real Ice Stupa from the inside. A 13-metre-high mass of ice, lighting that made the icicles inside shine even brighter and a warm drink awaited the guests. Finally, we ended the day with barley soup and glacier music.

So gross ist der Ice Stupa in Morteratsch nach drei Tagen

This is how big the Ice Stupa in Morteratsch is after three days

It didn't take long for the ice stupa, which was erected in front of the Hotel Morteratsch on New Year's Eve, to grow in size. There were only three days between the construction of the ice stupa and these pictures.

The first picture shows how the ice stupa works. The water enters the ice stupa via pipes that are connected to the river. The pressure generated creates a fountain that causes the water to drip onto the stupa from above. Thanks to the cold winter air, the water crystallizes into ice and makes the ice stupa bigger.

Grösster Ice Stupa in Europa?

Biggest Ice Stupa in Europe?

If the weather cooperates, an ice stupa "giant" is to be built this winter. The ice stupa will be 20 meters high, making it the highest ice stupa in Europe. The project can be realized thanks to the automatic control system developed by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the initiative of the GlaciersAlive association, Gletschervision GmbH, the Diavolezza cable car, Go Vertical and BerninaGlaciers. The scaffolding of the Ice Stupa has already been erected and the Ice Stupa has been put into operation.

Construction of the largest Ice Stupa in Europe

In the pictures you can see the step-by-step assembly of the Ice Stupa. 

The Ice Stupa can be visited at any time at the Diavolezza valley station. Who has already seen it or is still coming by?

