Ice Stupa Riese an der Diavolezza Talstation

Ice Stupa giant at the Diavolezza valley station

15 meter Ice Stupa in the Engadin

In October, we wrote about the construction of the Ice Stupa at the Diavolezza valley station. Over the months, the Ice Stupa has grown in size and ice mass thanks to the weather conditions and is now 15 meters high.

The construction of an Ice Stupa at the Diavolezza valley station has taken place every year since 2021. In the past, we have repeatedly had to deal with freezing problems with the water pipes. The main problem was that frozen water pipes were almost impossible to unblock. Thanks to the further development of technology, the watering system has been improved. Small heaters were fitted to the water pipes to ensure that all important points were free of ice before switching on. Since then, there have been no more problems and the Ice Stupa can therefore grow even bigger.

Wie gestalten wir eine nachhaltige Wasserzukunft?

How do we shape a sustainable water future?

The exhibition ,,Water''has been running at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich since 29.11.24. If you haven't had the opportunity to visit it yet, you have until 06.04.25. 

On 16.01.25, in addition to the exhibition, there will be a discussion on the topic: “How can we shape a sustainable water future?”. How can water cycles be strengthened, glaciers and drinking water reserves preserved and sanitation systems designed in an alternative way? On a tour of the exhibition, Nora Wüthrich, curator, will talk to Martina Voser, landscape architect, Felix Keller, glaciologist, and Michel Riechmann, environmental engineer at Eawag and founding member of VaLoo, about the potential of their projects and how a sustainable water future could be shaped from various perspectives.

When: Thursday, January 16, 18:30 - 19:30

Where: Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zurich

Costs: Included in the admission price

Free Places: 18

Here you can register for the discussion. We would be happy to see you there.

Klin­gende Ice Stu­pas — Musik die berührt und Bilder die Geschicht­en erzählen

04.01.25 Ringing Ice Stupas - Music that touches and pictures that tell stories

Erlebe die faszinierende Welt der Ice Stupas in Appenzell

The Swiss Ice Fiddlers will be presenting a very special performance at Ink in Appenzell on January 4 from 11:00 to 14:00. In a unique combination of music and images, they will tell a story that will immerse you in the world of ice stupas.

You are cordially invited to come by! Children are also very welcome and we would be delighted to see you there.

Rückblick auf unsere Generalversammlung 2024

Review of our 2024 Annual General Meeting

On Saturday, October 26, our General Assembly took place in Reichenau. We not only reviewed our past association activities, but also discussed exciting new projects for the coming year and set our goals for 2024/25. As this year, we will continue to work actively on our projects in Switzerland and Ladakh (Ice Stupa project) in the coming year.

After the meeting, we had lunch together and then made our way to the raffle for Raiffeisen's Sustainability Award 2024. The projects that particularly impressed the jury were honored there. Companies and private individuals whose ideas make an important contribution to sustainability were honored.

Three of the winners were:

  • Ovaziun with its all-electric and CO₂-free “monotrac” single-axle tractor
  • The Mooinz bike-sharing network from Pro Velo Graubünden, which promotes environmentally friendly mobility
  • The upcycling label EIVLIS by Silvie Demont, which creates new, fashionable designs from used textiles

We would like to thank all participants for this exciting day!

Ice Stupa Bau 2024

Ice Stupa construction 2024

Construction of the Ice Stupa at the Diavolezza valley station

Last week we were able to work together with a group of motivated helpers on one of our projects: the construction of an Ice Stupa. These Ice Stupas are not only eye-catching, but also an example of innovative water management in regions that are dependent on glacier water.

Der Tag begann mit Schaufeln, Leitern, Holz und viel Enthusiasmus, um das Grundgerüst für den Ice Stupa zu bauen. Die Bilder, die wir während des Bauprozesses gemacht haben, zeigen jeden Schritt – von der Materialbeschaffung bis zur Installation der Leitungen und dem Grundgerüst aus Holz.
Now that the basic structure is in place and the pipes have been laid, we are excited to see how the Ice Stupa will develop over the course of the cold months and how big it will ultimately become.

If you want to see the Ice Stupa in winter, you will find it next to the Diavolezza valley station.

Many thanks to all the helpers who supported us with this project!
